Role: HR Specialist, Payroll, & Admin


My Pets

  • What is your favorite part about working with ARCC?

  • "The amazing group of people I get to work with. Everyone works together to do what we can to provide the best service for our clients. I also love how much I am able to grow in my skill sets and become better and more confident in my position here. "

  • Favorite Drink:

    Coke! I keep trying to cut back on them, but nothing beats a cold coke

  • What are you most proud of in life?

    My hard work and commitment to anything and everything. Growing up playing sports really taught me that and helped me have that mindset when I was getting my degree and now working.

  • Favorite Book:

    Right now it would have to be the fourth wing series. It has a little bit of everything going on in them which keeps me engaged.

  • What is your next career goal at ARCC?

    Growth! Not only for me, but ARCC as a whole. I want to work hard to be able to help out any and everywhere that I can.

  • Favorite Movie:

    Any Romance movie. I am a sucker for a good love story and end up crying by the end every time.

  • What's one thing you want our clients to know about you professionally?

    I am dedicated to providing them great work and amazing customer service while completing the job at hand.

  • Favorite thing to do outside of work:

    Pickleball! I have taken it up and absolutely love the game. I use to play volleyball and have missed playing a sport and being active