My Owner

My Name is North
2 Years Old
Pet Type
Husky Mix (Dog)
Not a big fan of snacks but loves her dog food.
What is your pet's favorite thing?
Chewing Elbows. Loves to play hide and seek and be scared AND scare people.
What is your favorite thing about your pet?
That she’s really smart and extremely sweet. She pulls pranks on guests and it’s hilarious. She also has the best howl! She sounds like Chewbacca (and she rolls her r’s).
History of your pet?
North was a stray since a puppy. She was living in Texas and found and brought to the shelter covered in burs at 4 months old. She spent a month in foster care before coming up north on a freedom rescue van with 30 other dogs. She was picked up in Tinley Park, IL and then headed up north to her forever home in Wisconsin where she is Queen of the North.